• Measurement

Healthcare Marketing Tips to Grow Your Vein Clinic

Here’s how to drive up your patient volume and practice revenue by focusing your healthcare marketing efforts at this specific demographic in...

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Consumer Engagement: You Can't Take CTR to the Bank

Think quick, healthcare marketers! What's the first metric you should review to determine the success of your pay per click (PPC) campaign? If...

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How Much Should You Spend on Marketing

Do you know the secret to growing an orchid? It’s easier than you think. Place it on a windowsill with indirect sunlight. Every couple of weeks,...

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Smart Ways to Spend a Small Marketing Budget

Does your budget look alarmingly small for all you need to accomplish? Fear not. In the digital age, even a little money can achieve a lot. The...

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Keeping Up with SEO

Search Engine Optimization is evolving. Is your digital marketing team evolving with it? Today, the term SEO is a bit of a misnomer. Rather...

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Which Metrics Matter?

If you don’t measure performance, you’re flying blind. However, if you collect too much data...

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Are Sports Sponsorships Worth the Investment?

Health organizations increasingly pursue sports sponsorships, spending millions for things like stadium naming rights. It must be worth it, right?...

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Are Your Healthcare Marketing Campaigns Working? How to Tell

What’s your number one goal as a healthcare marketer? To attract...

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Four Ways to Optimize Your Healthcare Marketing Budget

It can seem like healthcare practices are faced with rising costs at every turn – from labor to technology to supplies. When expenses increase,...

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Transform Your Healthcare Marketing Department into a Revenue-Driving Business Growth Unit

As many healthcare profit margins are squeezed tightly between rising costs of supplies and goods (inflation) and declining reimbursements across...

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