• Marketing Tips

Healthcare Marketing Tips to Grow Your Vein Clinic

Here’s how to drive up your patient volume and practice revenue by focusing your healthcare marketing efforts at this specific demographic in...

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Marketing Planning & Strategy

Healthcare Marketing 101

The services they provide are much different than your typical organization, but just like those businesses, health care companies need to make...

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Marketing Planning & Strategy

The Importance of Multichannel Marketing in Healthcare

Healthcare marketers who successfully connect patients to the right physicians are more likely to increase revenue into their organization and...

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Marketing Planning & Strategy

Patient Personas: Healthcare with a Personal Touch

It’s no secret: the better you know your patients, the better you can connect with and serve them. The question is, how do you get to know them...

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Marketing Planning & Strategy

5 Tips to Reach the Latino Market

Simply translating a message from English to Spanish is not enough to reach Latino patients. Understanding their culture is crucial and worth your...

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Marketing Planning & Strategy

How to Turn Patients into Powerful Healthcare Marketers

If you work in a small practice with a limited marketing budget, your best bet is to spend smartly and get creative. Why not put your patients to...

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Marketing Planning & Strategy

Create Content Your Patients Will Actually Read

Pop quiz. Which of these statements are true or false?

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Marketing Planning & Strategy

Get the Feedback You Need to Better Serve Your Patients

The success of your practice or hospital depends on the people you serve - your patients. That's why it's important to...

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Marketing Planning & Strategy

How to Respond to Negative Reviews

Henry Ford once said, "If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person's point of view and see things from...

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Marketing Planning & Strategy

How Much Should You Spend on Marketing

Do you know the secret to growing an orchid? It’s easier than you think. Place it on a windowsill with indirect sunlight. Every couple of weeks,...

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