• Content Marketing

Healthcare Marketing Tips to Grow Your Vein Clinic

Here’s how to drive up your patient volume and practice revenue by focusing your healthcare marketing efforts at this specific demographic in...

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Content Marketing

Native Advertising and Content Marketing for Healthcare

For many people, the world of healthcare can be complex, confusing and maybe even a little frightening. But in today's online age, new...

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Content Marketing

Create Content Your Patients Will Actually Read

Pop quiz. Which of these statements are true or false?

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Content Marketing

10 Tips to Create the Perfect Native Ad

In 1895, John Deere published his first issue of The Furrow. He filled the magazine with farming and agricultural tips and included product ads....

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Content Marketing

Marketing Strategy Crafted by Healthcare Experts

At CMG Health Marketing, we're passionate about matching the right patients to the right physicians. Our team of healthcare experts has created a...

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Content Marketing

Keeping Up with SEO

Search Engine Optimization is evolving. Is your digital marketing team evolving with it? Today, the term SEO is a bit of a misnomer. Rather...

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Content Marketing

Why Storytelling Belongs in Healthcare Marketing

Highlighting “technology and procedures” in advertising campaigns is an easy default for healthcare marketers. Is it important to showcase...

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Content Marketing

Healthcare Content: What's the Right Tone?

In healthcare, marketers know how important it is to “strike a chord” with their audience. It’s a connection that makes readers more likely...

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Content Marketing

Why It's Time to Work Your Healthcare Brand

Fasten your seat belts, healthcare marketers. Retail giant, Walmart, plans to open low-cost primary health clinics with prices 30 to 50 percent...

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