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Healthcare Marketing Tips to Grow Your Vein Clinic

Here’s how to drive up your patient volume and practice revenue by focusing your healthcare marketing efforts at this specific demographic in...

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Psychographic Marketing: The Key to Motivating Patients

What makes a patient tick and why? That’s what you’ll discover when you use psychographic research to further marketing...

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Patient Personas: Healthcare with a Personal Touch

It’s no secret: the better you know your patients, the better you can connect with and serve them. The question is, how do you get to know them...

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The Importance of Multichannel Marketing in Healthcare

Healthcare marketers who successfully connect patients to the right physicians are more likely to increase revenue into their organization and...

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Consumer Engagement: You Can't Take CTR to the Bank

Think quick, healthcare marketers! What's the first metric you should review to determine the success of your pay per click (PPC) campaign? If...

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Mobile Healthcare Searches: 3 Things Providers Need to Know

While the mobile revolution of the 21st century has changed the face of modern business in nearly every industry, the medical industry has been...

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Healthcare Marketing 101

The services they provide are much different than your typical organization, but just like those businesses, health care companies need to make...

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Native Advertising and Content Marketing for Healthcare

For many people, the world of healthcare can be complex, confusing and maybe even a little frightening. But in today's online age, new...

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Healthcare SEO: 3 Ways to Elevate Your Healthcare Organization

Healthcare SEO can be a little tricky. No one plans on getting the flu or spraining an ankle. When healthcare issues arise, users who turn to...

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